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Debunking Myths Surrounding Mental Health Issues

Mental health issues are prevalent and impact people from all walks of life. Yet, despite growing awareness and understanding, a series of myths and misconceptions still shroud this critical aspect of overall well-being. Addressing these misconceptions can help people feel comfortable seeking mental health treatment in New Mexico.

  • Mental health issues are a sign of weakness – it is not. Mental health conditions have no bearing on a person’s strength or character. As a behavioral health agency in Albuquerque, New Mexico for years, we have observed that these are medical conditions that can affect anyone, regardless of their resilience.
  • Therapy is only for “crazy” people – it is for “anyone”. Seeking therapy or counseling is a proactive step toward emotional well-being and self-improvement. It is not an indicator of one’s sanity but rather a tool for personal growth and healing.
  • You can simply “snap out of it” – no, you won’t. Mental health issues cannot be overcome through sheer willpower and we must distinguish it clearly from the daily changes of one’s mood. Mental health issues often require professional guidance, support, and sometimes medication to manage effectively.
  • Medication is the sole solution for mental health issues – there are other options. Medication can be a part of the treatment plan, but it is not the only solution. Therapy, lifestyle changes, and social support are equally important in addressing mental health challenges.
  • People with mental health issues are violent or dangerous – they are not. The majority of individuals with mental health problems are not violent. In fact, they are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators.

Coffee On The Couch Counseling LLC supports mental health – starting with correcting these misconceptions. Are you looking for a counseling session or an intensive outpatient program in New Mexico? Call us today!


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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